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Information Technology; Alliance Hospital installs Keane's patient management system

 2004 JUL 31 - ( & -- Keane, Inc., (KEA) announced that Alliance Hospital in Odessa, Texas, has successfully completed the implementation of Keane's comprehensive Healthcare Information System, which includes the Patcom Plus patient management system, ahead of schedule in an unprecedented 60 days.

Patcom Plus is a highly acclaimed suite of software modules that helps hospitals of all sizes increase revenue and cash flow, decrease days outstanding for accounts receivables, and improve revenue cycle management.

Recently named the industry's leading patient accounting system for the second consecutive year by KLAS Enterprises, Patcom Plus is known for its flexibility and strength in meeting federal and state billing regulations.

"We were familiar with the benefits of Patcom Plus and selected it to provide the solid financial footing needed to support our growing healthcare organization. In the short time since going live on the system, we have already witnessed a 20% increase in billed charges per patient," said William W. Weldon, PhD., chief executive officer at Alliance Hospital.

"We have found Keane as a company to be responsive to our needs, particularly in its aggressive approach to completing the installation ahead of time and according to our specifications," Weldon said.

To adhere to the hospital's strict installation requirements, Keane utilized the Quick Start rapid install program, which safely deploys industry- leading software in a fraction of the time of a typical installation.

Alliance Hospital is now operational on Keane's integrated financial and clinical systems, including patient management, health information management, general financials, order communications, and pharmacy applications. Keane will provide remote hosting of the software at its Data Center in Cedar Rapids, Iowa to relieve the hospital of managing daily IT operations and maintenance functions.

"We are pleased to welcome Alliance Hospital as Keane's newest Data Center client," said Jeff Kenjar, managing director of Keane's Cedar Rapids branch. "By outsourcing its IT operations to Keane, Alliance Hospital can further reduce overall operating expenses, realize cost savings, and improve IT efficiency, all while receiving the full benefits of our industry-leading software."

This article was prepared by Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week editors from staff and other reports. Copyright 2004, Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week via &
Word count: 367

Copyright 2004, Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week &

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